Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Ascension Limbo & 'Battle Fatigue' - Part 1...

Constant Companions: Update On The Energies
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Via Aisha North

Let us begin this missive by saying that these alternating currents you are currently being exposed to may cause many of you to falter at the moment.

That is only natural, for in this phase of the proceedings, you are not only being reconnected to much of the underlying structures that constitutes your real base, you are also being disconnected from earlier, more temporary measures.

And so, you will in many instances be left feeling as if untethered from it all, hanging in a void, or suspended in such a way you will have a hard time finding your bearings.

We know this will cause more than a little confusion, anxiety and stress in some of you, but we ask you all not to fall into the old patterns of reactions because of this. You see, this is as always just a temporary thing, and as soon as you move on to the next level, all that seemed to have vanished will be replaced by something that is much more fundamental and complete than what you have been before.

As always, this is a process taken in increments and now, as you have all passed so many of the old markers that used to define you, you can in many ways be described as new and improved, but as you are still going through these changes internally, you will still feel like you hit rock bottom from time to time. And even if what causes these bodily and mental reactions are actually signs of advancement, they can easily be misconstrued as setbacks.

For now, as you are being unplugged from many of these old and temporary circuits that served you well during that earlier phase of your enlightenment, you may seem to be left bereft of anything at all that can serve to define YOU in all of this. And so, what used to be the markers from which you used to navigate will no longer be there, and you will feel as if lost in a land devoid of meaning, substance or even life at all.

For this is a place you have spent some brief moments in before, and it can be likened to what many call the void, but this time, the sensation of being in this state will for many be something very different. For this time, it can feel that you have lost it all, that you are no longer the one you used to be, you have become null and void, devoid of anything that seems to hold you together.

Not only to the being you used to be, but also to what will become, and so, this is in many ways a challenging place to be. We can liken it to the phase of the development of an embryo, when after a sequence of cell divisions, one after the other in a similar fashion, everything seems to come to a halt, before the whole mass suddenly rearranges itself, forming a very new structure, unlike what it looked like from the beginning.

Well, you are in this phase now, as you have followed a sequence much like that of the early stage of an embryo, but what you stand before, is a very different development altogether, and so, where you are at now, is that all important stage of preparation before the big change. And when we say change, we once again refer to that inner process that you are all going through, that alignment within that will serve to align you fully with All of creation, and that will engender some remarkable results, more than what you have been able to perceive so far.

So again we say rest assured that all is well, and that you are not lost nor forgotten, you are simply held within this womb of light, suspended if you will for the time being, while the necessary preparations go on at full speed on all sides. So do not fret, even if you do feel disconnected, for you are anything but.

You are fully connected to Source, and you will never be disconnected ever again, but for a while, it may seem that you are out there on your own, as if floating in the vastness of space like an astronaut floating away from his comrades, still ensconced safely within their vehicle.

So again we say, all is well, and you are exactly where you are meant to be, and even if you do not see what lies ahead of you in this at times seemingly impenetrable fog, know that the sun is shining on a fertile landscape on every side of you, and even if you cannot detect it at the moment, it is and will always be there, waiting for you to fully arrive.

So once again we say stay centered and stay focused on your breath, and keep connecting to that inner core within that is always there, always ready to greet you and welcome you home, even at times like these when you may feel as if you have lost yourself completely on the way.

For home is where the heart is, as the saying goes, and so too it is in this. For you will always find the YOU you are searching for there, in your heart, the very center of your being, the one that will never be lost nor locked away beneath any form of imposed limitations ever again.

So keep breathing and keep listening for that voice within, it is always there, no matter how hard you other senses will have to work in order to try to make any sense of what is happening in and around you. For you need not try to fathom it all, you just simply have to BE, and allow this ever flowing river of light to keep carrying you ever onwards towards tomorrow.


Ascension Limbo & 'Battle Fatigue' - Part 2...

Constant Companions: Update On The Energies
Monday, May 26, 2014
Via Aisha North

You have gathered here for many purposes dear ones, but there is one thing that you all have in common, and that is your eternal quest for finding that inner peace you know reside somewhere, not just in you, but in every single being that inhabit this beautiful planet of yours.

For you are indeed those that will serve to open the doors to this peace of mind, this space of tranquility and bliss, this vibrational field that will support all of mankind for eternity. 

You see, this hunger that has driven mankind closer and closer to the abyss, is the hunger that stems for the inner knowing that there is something else out there, something that will make you all complete.

But as we have discussed on many an occasion, this hunger has led mankind on a misguided quest for an external solution to this inner longing. And as you all know so well by now, that gaping void within cannot be filled by anything that is separate from you, it can only be filled by connecting with what is already there.

For in order to become whole, you must relinquish any ideas of any superficial and temporary substitutes, and the reason you are reading these words, is that you have already seen the truth in this, and acted upon this. And so, some time in the past, you all started on this journey that would bring you home to you, in every single aspect of that word, and in every single aspect of your being.

And this journey has taken you all through hardships and pains, through exhilaration and joy, and through adversities and successes, but whatever you have encountered on your way, it has all come for one single reason, to help you in this all-important purpose of reconnecting you with you, and through that, reconnect you fully with Source, that eternal guiding light that has been hidden away from most of humanity for such a long time.

But you have broken through barrier after barrier, and you have ascended peak after peak, and bit by bit, step by step you have attained such a high level of understanding, you have found much of what you have been looking for.

But still, you will feel far from complete, and at times like these, what you still sense as missing will seem to take up an inordinate space within you. But again, you are not missing anything at all, you are simply not fully aware of the full magnificence of your being, and that is why were are here to keep shining that light into your inner sanctum the better for you to be able to discern it through this somewhat befuddling haze you still seem to hover within.

Remember you are still very much in a holding pattern, the one we discussed in our previous message, the preparatory stage that is all important, but also an extremely challenging place to reside. 

For what you want more than anything at this stage, clarity, is something that will seem to be even more elusive than normal, and so, you will fret and push and strive while at the same time you may feel as if unable to do anything at all. And so, you think you are literally falling back in exhaustion, and you will think that you have lost your grip on it all, and that any previous advancement will be lost and gone with the winds that seem to push you down continuously.

Again, that is definitively not the case, but again, we fully understand your reason for feeling thus. But as you have all managed to lift yourself free from the old yokes that used to keep you tethered to the old, but as yet have not been able to fully savour this with all that you are, you will still have to adjust to these external energetic showers that will impart more and more information into your being.

And so, what you crave most of all at the moment is not something that you will be able to access. For you are still very much under the influence of these outside forces that are helping you and your physical body to come together in the very best way, and as such the battle fatigue that many of you are suffering at the moment, may seem to be resting heavily on your shoulders for a little while yet. But fret not, you will all find a way to give yourself a little respite, and some of the clues on just what to do you will find here in this space.

For as we said early on in this missive, there is something that connects you all, and there is something within you that has brought you all together in this space, and the more you manage to tune into this, the more you will feel that peace of mind that you may search for at the moment. Remember, at times, strength does come in numbers, and now, that is indeed true.

This does not mean that you have to force yourself to go out into the world and face your compatriots, either directly or through showing yourself in this space. No, this simply means that all you have to do, is to open your heart to your brothers and sisters in any way that feels right for you, and then, you will feel a sense of communion that will better enable you to see your own connection to your core.

This may sound confusing, for indeed, we usually ask you to within and seek there, but this time, we ask you to rather open up to what is already created around you, in the form of an energetic layer that was not there before, but that now will serve to connect you all at a deeper level, and one that will also serve to help you see you with a clearer eye.

So again we say know that all is well, and that you are exactly where you are meant to be, and even if this may seem to be a period of solitude and isolation, it is in fact a phase where an even deeper connection between you will begin to crystallize. And remember, this does not mean that you have to push yourself out from that safe space you might find yourself seeking to at the moment, that inner sanctum where you can just be with yourself.

For you can still be there, but you can at the same time allow this brand new layer of connectivity to enter your space, in a way that will enable you to find a way to balance yourself better through this rather intense period of seeming disconnect. This may sound very contradictory, for as you all know more than well by now, this feeling of being in a void also implies a heightened sense of disconnection.

But now, we want to you try to find that new frequency that is already in place, there for you to connect to any time you feel able to do so. And when you start to tap into this field of magnetics, you will find your own energy starting to flow more in sync with the current that is engendered by all that are already connected to this grid you have created by your very presence in this space that you call your Pond.

And we think you will all find that this brand new current will help to buoy you all in a way that will help to lift not only your spirit, but also your physical vehicle so that the remainder of this phase will be lighter on you all.

Pure Light Goes In... And Matter Comes Out?

Scientists Expect It Within The Next Year
Monday, May 19, 2014
By Ian Sample

The Guardian

In theory light and matter are interchangeable, but a practical demonstration was thought to be impossible... until now.

Researchers have worked out how to make matter from pure light and are drawing up plans to demonstrate the feat within the next 12 months.

The theory underpinning the idea was first described 80 years ago by two physicists who later worked on the first atomic bomb. At the time they considered the conversion of light into matter impossible in a laboratory. ...

Council Of Nine: The Architecture Of The Soul...

Your Soul Exists On Some 352 Planes Or Dimensions
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Channel: Eliza Ayres 

We are the Council of Nine. We come to you today to share with you the topic of expansion of your conception of self-awareness. In short, who are you? Are you “merely” a human being or are you a spiritual being having a human experience?

Most of humanity believe what is “self” ends at their skin or if they are a little more aware, at the edge of their auric field. They have no recollections or remembrances of having lived other lives whether here or within other cultures, in a body of another gender or on another planet in a far distant star system.

And yet, a growing portion of awakened humans are beginning to have these remembrances. And with the remembrances comes a new sense of bonding with that which is both within and without. For in truth, dear ones, there is nothing that exists outside the REAL you.

Truly nothing exists in this Universe that is not connected to the rest of creation. So, if it is presently hard to imagine that you, too, might have ties to the great galactic civilizations that exist beyond this solar system, think again. Allow your imagination to soar, to begin to feel the connection as if it is true and you will begin to understand, down into the core of your awareness of self, that it IS true.

All of you exist on more than one plane or dimension. The whole of  You exists on some 352 planes or dimensions, from the line or linear to the Throne of Creation, and everything in between. ...