Tuesday, July 22, 2014

*Begin Now To Fuse Yourself With the Divine*
- The Grandmothers - 

Through Sharon McErlane
July 2014

"Grandmothers," I said to these wise women, "we need confidence in ourselves. We need to know that we CANmagnify the power of the Net of Light and that we CAN stay the course during these difficult times we're living in. I know this is a vague sort of request to make," I said, "but immediately they replied.

"'Wait upon the Lord', as it says in the Bible," they said."This is what we ask you to do. As soon as you wake in the morning, think of us, or any form of the Divine. And if you wake in the middle of the night, make use of that time too and turn your thoughts to how much you are loved. Then keep them there!

Begin now to fuse yourself with the Divine," the Grandmothers said. "At this point, do not attempt to live apart from us for even a moment," they gave me a severe look. "To stay steady during these times of change that are upon you, to keep yourself grounded in power, you must align yourself with divinity. Every day!" they said. "Let this be your intention. ...

Wes Annac: Loving The Land...

Preserving the Spirituality of Mother Earth
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
By Wes Annac

*Wes: I wrote the following for the 104th issue of The Culture of Awareness Weekly Newsletter, which I offer for $11.11 a month via PayPal (credit and debit cards are accepted).

Income from the newsletter helps my family and I get by, and the option to subscribe will be given at the bottom of this post.

In my short life on earth, I’ve come to understand that the land is deeply spiritual. 

An underlying spirituality permeates every aspect of this land – every tree; every flower; every blade of grass. 

In every animal and insect, I see a spark of beauty; a spark of brilliance; a spark of consciousness that seeks to be known and understood for what it truly is.

The sacred spirituality of this land was forgotten as soon as people decided to ravage it for its resources, and this has to come to an end if we want to create a new world that’s rooted in peace, harmony and respect for Mother Earth. We’ll have to learn to treat this planet the way it’s meant to be treated if we want to raise our collective vibration. ...

Knowledge, Wisdom & Insight: The Path Of 3...

Difference Between Knowledge, Wisdom, and Insight
Saturday, July 07, 2014 
By Royale Scuderi

Knowledge, Wisdom, and Insight may sound like synonyms, but they are not.

Though they all refer to the mind and an accumulation of thoughts and experiences, they have some very real differences in the essence of their meanings and their applications in our life.

Knowledge VS Wisdom VS Insight

Knowledge is the accumulation of facts and data that you have learned about or experienced. It’s being aware of something, and having information.

Knowledge is really about facts and ideas that we acquire through study, research, investigation, observation, or experience.

Wisdom is the ability to discern and judge which aspects of that knowledge are true, right, lasting, and applicable to your life. 

Wisdom is the ability to apply that knowledge to the greater scheme of life. It’s also deeper; knowing the meaning or reason; about knowing why something is, and what it means to your life. ...

Friday, July 18, 2014

Release Judgements & Change The World...

Archangel Metatron: How To Create Peace In The World With One Action  

Friday, July 18, 2014
Via Natalie Glasson

Metatron: It is often said to create peace in the world you simply need to love yourself unconditionally in a humble and grateful way, and love everyone else in an open compassionate way.

While mastering the act of sharing the natural love existing within your being is important, there is one habit and energy needing to be dissolved before love can truly reign, be empowered, and experienced in your reality.

Without true realization of this habit, love cannot completely be recognized for its healing and uplifting power. ...

The Art Of Sublime Impeccability...

Seven Steps Toward Sublime Impeccability 
Thursday, July 17, 2014
By Gary Z Mcgee 

“Whereas the beautiful is limited, the sublime is limitless, so that the mind in the presence of the sublime, attempting to imagine what it cannot, has pain in the failure but pleasure in contemplating the immensity of the attempt” – Immanuel Kant

Here’s the thing: enlightenment is an illusion, but the path toward enlightenment is exceptionally real. It seems like a contradiction, but it’s not. The essence of the sublime is letting go of our attachment to the goal and allowing the journey to be the thing.

There are roadblocks and tripwires and briar patches galore, but even they are an essential aspect of the journey. In fact, the most fulfilling moments in the journey are when we gain the capacity to transform roadblocks into stepping stones, tripwires into jump ropes, and briar patches into crowns of thorn.

Here are seven hang-ups in particular to let go of in order to attain a state of sublime impeccability. ...